couples who were well off financially to
enable them to buy whatever they want,
provided they know how to manage their
finances after marriage. Unfortunately not
all couples can manage it well. Some couples
do not even have enough money. Often they have enough money but they do not use it
wisely, so that the debt will accumulate, and
cause fights. If couples do not have to be
mutually agreed plan of spending money,
then the marriage may have trouble. The
plan should be based on three basic, as follows:
1. Make a financial plan. All your money
resources should be owned together. If a
marriage is considered ideal, there is no
term 'mine and yours'. Every financial
problem that is covered is an act that shows
'untrust', and that means rejecting the notion that marriage is the
bonding together. Couples should assume
that everything they have is their financial
resources together, ready to be used for
joint efforts in building homes and provide
education to the family.
2. Spending all the money should be agreed
upon. There are couples that make up a very
tight budget. There are a couple of other
basic calculations. Sometimes the husband is
making the details, but sometimes the wife
is more skilled. No matter who makes it and how, the important thing is that there is
an agreed plan. Emergency situation may
arise that the plan should be changed. It is
recommended to make funding
recommendations to overcome the crisis.
The proposal is made to set aside some money in the budget.
3. when preparing the budget, husband,
wife, and children should be given weekly
personal money, which can be used each
without having to ask what will they use money for.
This money comes from outside the agreed budget and is a personal money. Money to
buy a bus ticket or train to get to the office,
for clothing, and all the routine things that
need to be incorporated into the budget,
while private money is the money property
of their respective family members which used for entertainment, hobbies, or
whatever. Wife who wants to invite her
friends to a restaurant do not need to take
money from the budget, or the husband
does not need money from the budget to watch a football match.
By applying these three basic principles in any
particular situation, you will feel that the
serious financial problems can be avoided,
and a happy marriage will not be disturbed.
Hope it's useful for us.
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