Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to overcome from being jealous

Jealousy is the spice in a relationship. The nature of jealousy can be an effective way for a person to express his love. Jealousy can also be a sign that you are still meaningful for the couple. Jealousy can be used as a flavoring as well as trigger the spirit of romance couples (couples).

But behind the positive values, these properties can not be left just to make a person blind jealous. Because when someone is hit by excessive feelings of jealousy that fuel the dispute, even to the ends with farewell.

To fix this, then we must do the following:

Positive thoughts

One of the best ways to overcome jealousy is to think positively about your partner. Because negative thoughts can trigger the occurrence of conflicts, ranging from trivial problem down to a more serious stage.

Communicate what is happening

Often the men or women think their partners do strange things when not on their side. Though such thoughts may be unwarranted and only a mere conjecture.

Although the couple had to explain what actually happened, but while you still can not believe it, then it can make your partner do the charge against him. Therefore, you should listen to the explanation of new couples decide if they like that had been suspected or not.

Express true feelings

A healthy relationship needs to be grounded in fact no jealousy, because feelings are often not useful.

To avoid conflicts, you are good enough to express what is felt. Such as when you feel uncomfortable when he was close to the opposite sex. That way he will know what's been bothering you.

Jealous of infection only in relation

Supposing that transmit infectious disease, excessive jealousy can cause infection in a relationship.

Infection can occur when you are always suspicious of the pair by contacting him at all times, checking his cell phone, always unload his bag, and finding fault with your partner.

Whereas these conditions should not happen because all things can be discussed carefully without causing new problems. Without being forced, it will show your spouse cell phone.

There may be special reasons that make him not showing his cell during this time, such as there are secrets of the company or individual who does not want to know the people.

Good luck ...

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