Saturday, April 16, 2011

how to be good lover

Want always to be loved your partner? Be a good
lover. A good lover does not mean always
obey the demand of your partner, or make
sacrifices for the sake of the couple. Simply
by doing simple things like giving special
attention or participate in activities that become his hobby. Here are some tips you
can do to please your partner, as quoted by
the Times of India:

1. Join and Gather Together His friends
do not
always want both with him every time.
Occasionally, take time to participate in
activities with him/her and his/her friends. Know
the environment where your partner socialized. If you
can blend with his friends, he will judge you as an easy going person and want to
be involved in the activities he enjoys.

2. Buy a Sports Match Tickets One
way to make your partner is impressed
bought tickets to watch football, basketball
or his favorite sport. If you are not sports enthusiasts, there's no harm in giving
two tickets to watch with his best friend. This treatment indicates that you wish he
could have his own time, and can enjoy it
without having to always be with you.

3. Dont buy cloth for your partner
He can assume you do not like the way
he dressed.

4. Send romantic message to your partner
tell to your partner by SMS about how much fun
your both date, or how romantic treatment of
him to you on a date.

5. Keep the attitude
o not over-indulgence in
intimacy in public. Your partner may feel
uncomfortable if you always hold, embrace
or caress along the road. Other people will feel uncomfortable to see you both. This
also applies if you and he fight, do not shout
or cry in public. Find a quiet place to talk
about the problem.

6. Make Meals While visiting his parents' house
it helps if you bring small cakes
homemade. It's a fairly simple effective
way to take care your lover's mother.
Provide home made food will be more
special than giving the impression to leave food in a pastry shop.

Hope it will be useful for us.

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